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RunCzech Running League 2014 – new security rules

The safety of all runners, volunteers, spectators, partners and organisers is always the number one priority for us. For this reason we have taken the decision to introduce a number of changes to our work with rescue and healthcare services.

The changes to security rules affect all registered runners; which means it is extra important that you take the time to study all the information carefully and prepare yourself for the changes.

Over the past few years we have unfortunately recorded a growth in the abuse of start number bibs which has led to problems in identifying runners when medical treatment is required. Starting from this year with the aim of ensuring greater comfort and safety for each participant, we will be checking the hand-over of each start number. It will no longer be possible to ask another person to collect your start number unless this person has power of attorney to do so ( the document has to include information about the runner as well as the person collecting it, signed and verified by a notary). Each participant has to collect his/her start number (as well as start pack) in PERSON bringing along a valid identity card (national identity card, passport, driver’s licence or some other kind of valid document featuring the person’s name and photograph).

Your personal details must be included on the back of your start number along with information about any diseases or allergies you suffer from, which a physician would need to know about if treatment is required. This is the only way to ensure fast and effective medical help.

We’re confident that these new rules will not impact negatively on your race, instead allowing you to focus all your energy on simply enjoying the race. We depend on your cooperation and look forward taking part in the races together.

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