adidas Women’s 5K Run Prague 2025

  • September 6, 2025
  • Prague
  • 344 days 12 hours 42 minutes
Home / Races / adidas Women’s 5K Run Prague 2025


adidas Women’s 5K Run

  • Distance: 5km
  • Date: Saturday 6. 9. 2025 From 18:00

adidas Women’s 5K Run – pair

  • Distance: 2 x 5km
  • Date: Saturday 6. 9. 2025 From 18:00

Grab your friends and join us for Prague’s biggest race exclusively for women. The 5K route can be completed in under 50 minutes even without prior training.

Experience an unforgettable atmosphere with thousands of women at this unique, men-free race. Sign up with your friends and enjoy a 5K route filled with mutual support and solidarity at the adidas Women’s Run 5K. Together, you’re unstoppable!

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