On Saturday, April 5, the first race of the RunCzech series, the Generali Prague Half Marathon 2025, will traditionally start to the tunes of Smetana’s Vltava River. Runners from all over the world will arrive to discover the beauties of Prague and, alongside elite athletes, will set off on a 21.0975 km long course. This also brings with it traffic restrictions during the race. Thank you very much in advance for your tolerance and understanding. We cordially invite you to the Generali Prague Half Marathon 2025, be part of the largest mass sporting event in the Czech Republic with us, whether as a spectator or participant.
– organizers of the Generali Prague Half Marathon
Dear neighbors, dear athletes, dear guests, I am pleased to welcome you again to the traditional RunCzech half marathon, which has become not only a significant sporting event, but also a beautiful celebration of endurance, determination and a healthy lifestyle in the heart of our metropolis. Prague 1 is proud to be the host of a race that unites runners from all over the country and abroad and brings a unique atmosphere full of energy and sportsmanship to our streets. As in previous years, this year we have prepared the necessary measures to ensure the smooth running of the race and minimize the impact on everyday life in our city district. In the attached materials you will find all important information about traffic measures and recommended routes during the race.
I thank all the residents for their understanding and consideration for the runners and the organizers. Whether you are running today for fun, for a challenge, or for a personal record, I wish you all a wonderful race and a great experience. Enjoy every moment on the track and the support of the fans who will accompany you.
I wish you good luck and an easy step!
– Mgr. Terezie Radoměřská, Mayor of Prague 1.
UNLIMITED ENTRANCE/EXIT DURING THE RACE FROM/TO THESE STREETS: Dlouhá, Revoluční, Klimentská, Na Poříčí, Hybernská, Spálená, Vodičkova, Jindřišská, Senovážné náměstí, Petrské náměstí, V Celnici, Wilsonova
AREA BETWEEN 17. LISTOPADU, KRIŽOVNICKÁ, SMETANOVO NÁBŘEŽÍ, NÁRODNÍ, NA PŘÍKOPĚ, + CELETNÁ, PAŘÍŽSKÁ STREETS: during the closure of the abovementioned streets, i.e. 09:45 am – 12:40 pm