List of charities

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For more than 25 years, RunCzech has promoted a culture not only of physical fitness and mental health, but of social and environmental responsibility. In fact, with every race we stage we pledge our financial support to a variety of causes that are important to runners, and to their communities. What’s more, we advocate for the organizations behind those causes by broadcasting their stories to our vast network of runners and running enthusiasts in more than 40 countries around the world.

A complete list of the charitable organizations we support appears below. They include funding the planting of 30,000 trees in 2022. Furthermore we host competitions for high school students, with winning schools receiving donations of much-needed athletic equipment, helping to keep kids engaged in sports and out of trouble. Through the generous support of our sponsors, we also fund efforts to care for senior citizens and for thousands of people with disabilities.  And much more.

As part of our efforts to make the world a kinder, more livable place, we go to tremendous lengths to ensure that the races themselves are not disruptive to the environment.  We have implemented a vast recycling program.  We repurpose every scrap of material that we can.  We are converting more and more to electric vehicles. And we employ an army of volunteers at every event who make sure that we leave our courses better and cleaner than the way we found them. 

We are doing all we can to be good corporate citizens. And in the process, we hope that we are setting a good example for how the world should run.


*Some of the charities do not have an English version of the website. If you come across one, please use google’s text translation feature. On the page of the selected charity, use the right button to find the option to translate into another language and select the required language.


Main charity for Generali Prague Half Marathon 2025

The Human Safety Net

Would you like to support disadvantaged children? The Human Safety Net initiative by Generali Česká pojišťovna helps people from disadvantaged groups. In the Czech Republic, it focuses on families with children under 6 years of age and supports the non-profit organizations Leontinka Foundation and SOS Children’s Villages.” Would you like to support disadvantaged children? The Human Safety Net initiative by Generali Česká pojišťovna helps people from disadvantaged groups. In the Czech Republic, it focuses on families with children under 6 years of age and supports the non-profit organizations  Nadace Leontinka and SOS dětské vesničky.

Main charity for ORLEN Prague Marathon 2025

Světluška (Firefly)

Světluška (Firefly) was launched in 2003 as the flagship project of the Czech Radio Endowment Fund. The purpose of ‘Světluška’ is to enable the visually impaired to aim to independent and authentic life based on their own choices. We support individuals with visual impairment of all ages as well as NGOs throughout the whole Czech Republic. Each year we distribute direct financial support to more than 300 children, teenagers, adults as well as seniors with visual impairment helping them cope with daily activities, enabling them study, work, do sports or use special assistive technologies. More than two thirds of all support is distributed to NGOs including social services, special schools, or disability sports clubs.

Main charity for Mattoni Running Festival Karlovy Vary 2025

AutTalk – Nadační fond Kateřiny Sokolové

Own story, for such a simple and common reason, it made us set up a foundation. Our symbol is the blue heart, because the topic is simply a matter of heart for us. Blue is a symbol of autism and therefore our heart is blue. Yes, it is so simple because there is power in simplicity and genuineness. The AutTalk Foundation was created with love, faith in cooperation and determination to improve the possibilities of children with ASD and their families.

Main charity for Mattoni Running Festival České Budějovice 2025

Společnost pro ranou péči

Early care is mainly an outreach social service. We are available to families with children with disabilities from birth to 7 years of age. We become an integral part of families’ stories. We provide professional support to the child and his parents. Our counselors travel to families’ homes, where they show parents in a natural environment how to take care of a child with specific needs and develop its potential. Our services are free of charge in accordance with the law.” Early care is mainly an outreach social service. We are available to families with children with disabilities from birth to 7 years of age. We become an integral part of families’ stories. We provide professional support to the child and his parents. Our counselors travel to families’ homes, where they show parents in a natural environment how to take care of a child with specific needs and develop its potential. Our services are free of charge in accordance with the law.

Main charity for Mattoni Running Festival Olomouc 2025

Spolek Trend vozíčkářů

Spolek Trend vozíčkářů Olomouc (“Association of Persons Using Wheelchairs”) is a non-profit organization which offers the personal assistance service to people with physical and combined disabilities.

Main charity for UniCredit Prague Relay 2025

Ronald McDonald House

Ronald McDonald House Charities (DRMcD) is an independent non-profit organization that is part of a global network of charitable organizations called Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). Our common mission is to help families of children with serious long-term illnesses. We believe that the presence of parents in the hospital helps children to recover quickly. For this reason, we are building houses around the world that will allow these families a free temporary stay in close proximity to hospitals. Currently, our organization operates in more than 45 countries and regions around the world and operates 380+ houses, with more opening every year.” Ronald McDonald House Charities (DRMcD) is an independent non-profit organization that is part of a global network of charitable organizations called Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). Our common mission is to help families of children with serious long-term illnesses. We believe that the presence of parents in the hospital helps children to recover quickly. For this reason, we are building houses around the world that will allow these families a free temporary stay in close proximity to hospitals. Currently, our organization operates in more than 45 countries and regions around the world and operates 380+ houses, with more opening every year.

Main charity for Birell 10K Night Race Prague 2025

Journey to a Dream

Journey to a Dream organizes sports and adventure events, where teams of healthy and disabled people form together. Everyone can get involved without any differences. The organization organizes, for example, the longest cycling event in the Czech Republic or a series of quadriathlons in winter and summer disciplines. They have long supported disabled children or the elderly in sports and exercise.

Main charity for adidas Women’s 5K Run Prague 2025

Bellis – young women with breast cancer

The Bellis project – young women with breast cancer, founded in 2012, focuses on young patients of working age who are undergoing or have undergone treatment related to breast cancer. The main goal of the project is to support young patients with breast cancer and provide help (professional and lay) during and after treatment. The subject is also the search for new motivation and new impulses that will help patients overcome fears and pitfalls after the treatment they have undergone, and help them return to social life.

Main charity for Mattoni Running Festival Ústí nad Labem 2025

Ústí Community Foundation

Thanks to donations from corporate and individual donors, we support over 100 projects of non-profit organizations and individuals every year, mainly in the districts of Děčín, Litoměřice, Louny, Teplice and Ústí nad Labem.

Main charity for Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 2025

Domov Svatého Josefa

The mission of the Home of St. Josefa’s life is easier with multiple sclerosis We strive for greater self-sufficiency of seriously ill patients with multiple sclerosis and their caregivers in institutional care and in the home environment. We are based on the founding documents of our parent organization Oblastní charita Červený Kostelec and the documents by which the state authorizes us to perform the service.

Main Charity for all dm family runs

Good Fairies

The Good Fairies have been individually helping children from three Central Bohemian children’s homes for 5 years. They meet the children every week in their “homes”. They know what they like, what makes them happy and what do they worry about. The Fairies know the story of each of „their“ one hundred children. They give them the most valuable – their time, love and attention. They help them to prepare for school and do the things they like to do. The Fairies teach the children and help to develop their independence and self-confidence. We do not influence what children have experienced, but we want them to believe that they can be happy.

The official charity of the entire RunCzech race series

nadace partnerství | LIDÉ A PŘÍRODA

The largest Czech charitable foundation for environmental protection. We help manage the effects of the climate crisis, support tree planting and educate children and adults in the Open Garden. Together for people and nature for 30 years.

Other cooperating non-profit organizations

Nábor hrdinů

Every year in the Czech Republic, hundreds of children and adults become ill with leukemia or another hematopoietic disorder. For some patients, a bone marrow transplant is the only hope for recovery, but one in four patients will not find their savior in the bone marrow donor registry. The NÁBOR HRDINŮ organization organizes recruitment events for the bone marrow donor register throughout our country and dispels the myths associated with a donation with lectures in companies and schools. We wish that every patient finds their hero and gets hope for life.

Nadační fond Aktivní Česko

Aktivní ČESKO is a multi-sector platform in which a number of non-profit and for-profit companies are connected. Our goal is to combine forces, resources and scope for the joint promotion of regular physical activity and an active life not only as an integral part of taking care of one’s own health, but also as an important part of the state’s preventive and curative care.

TyfloCentrum Olomouc

We are a generally beneficial company. We provide 3 registered social services (social rehabilitation, social activation service, professional social counseling) and additional services (removal of barriers, rental of aids and tandems, technical support) for the visually impaired. Our premises are barrier-free. Visiting regulations apply in them. Our workers are qualified, follow the code of ethics and standards of social services. We have been providing social services since 2000.

Dělej, co tě baví (Do what you like) – Youth Council 2023

The Interscholastic Conference of the Younger Youth Council is an event with a great tradition to promote the education of high school youth. Its focus is on sharing ideas among peers. Their time spent together on current topics and the opportunity to learn how to present and defend their views to an audience of other high school students helps them understand each other, including their teachers. This year’s event is focused on MENTAL HEALTH and will also be ONLINE.


Get the kids on their feet with us! Everyone wants a healthy baby. But it doesn’t always come true. EVERY SECOND DAY in the Czech Republic, a mother learns that her child will be born with so-called golfer’s foot / lat. dog equinovarus. Parents are scared, full of fear, worries and questions. The patient organization Achilleus accompanies families throughout the treatment, we provide information, comfort, support, but most importantly an answer to the fundamental question that their child will one day walk. Come and get the children on their feet together with us!

Zdravotní klaun

Health Clown is a charitable organization that, since 2001, has been helping especially children, but also geriatric patients, to go through the treatment process with a smile. The mission of the Health Clown is to bring joy, good mood, and above all hope to places where there is not much of it. These are mainly children’s hospital rooms, specialized ambulances, households caring for seriously ill children.

Pink Bubble Foundation

We help young people whose lives have been complicated by cancer. Whether they are going through challenging treatment or starting to get back on their feet. We affectionately call our beneficiaries “BUBBLES” and we take a personal approach to each of their stories and needs. That’s because each person who comes to us is unique to us.

Letní dům

Letní dům helps children and young people growing up in foster care or institutional care without a supportive family background. Our mission is to ensure they experience a happy childhood and successfully transition into independent and fulfilling lives. We provide therapeutic stays, support young adults as they start living independently after leaving institutional care, and work with foster families and families in crisis. We believe everyone deserves a home, a sense of safety, and acceptance.

Centrum Bazalka

Centrum BAZALKA is non-profital, non-governmental organization based in České Budějovice. We provide social services for children with multiple and severe disabilities and also for children with autism spectrum disorders. We offer daycare and also residential care for 5 days a week. Since 2008 we provide education for children with disabilities and special needs in our elementary school and kindergarten. Integral part of our services is physiotherapy. At the moment we provide care for more than 40 clients in the age range between 3 and 40 years.

Running with those that can’t

With the help of individuals and companies, We are raising funds to purchase special wheelchairs which we donate to those who need it.