Registration transfer – manual and rules

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The complete process of registration transfer

The process of finding a new runner is entirely up to the originally registered competitor. The race organizer is not involved in the resale of entry fees among runners.


Individual category

1. Rebooking

Re-registration is carried out by the registered competitor in his Runners ID account in the My Races section. For the selected race, he clicks on the “REBOOKING” button and in the following window selects the desired race and confirms with the REBOOK NOW button. The competitor will then be asked to make a payment. The payment for the re-registration is paid by the original competitor! Payment for re-registration is only possible by credit card. After the payment is successful, the original competitor will receive two emails.

The first email (Rebookings – Cancellation) contains information about the successful re-registration for the race along with the code for the new registration and also shows the possible amount that can be used for additional products (t-shirt, photos, etc.).

The second email (Rebookings – Booking confirmation) contains the rebooking order number and a summary of the order. Instructions on how to use the received registration code can be found below in the Registration code section.

After the original competitor completes the entire re-registration, they will see their original race registration as CANCELLED.

2. Registration code

The new registration code should be forwarded along with the instructions on this page. The code itself is not a race registration! The registration code from the re-registration must be used when registering for the new race. The method of forwarding the code is up to you (however, we would like to warn you about fraudulent re-selling of registrations).

The registration code can be used here:

Regular race registration

If you received a code for an open registration race, use the link below.

Registration for a sold-out race

If you received a code for a sold out race, use the link below.

The re-registration code (voucher) can be deleted during the registration of a new competitor. If you do so, you will only be able to use this re-registration code again after 1 hour (max. 2 hours depending on the workload).

The registration code (voucher) may contain a possible amount that can be used for additional products. If the future competitor does not use this amount during registration. He will be warned with the sentence: Attention! You still have some credit left. If you do not choose any additional products, you cannot use this credit after payment. He will be warned about this fact during registration on the overview page in the step before payment. If the competitor wants to return to the selection of additional products, we recommend that he first remove the voucher and wait one hour until the registration code is active again.

3. Re-registration fee

When paying for re-registration, you will be charged a re-registration fee and a handling fee, which is 100 CZK or 125.15 CZK depending on the type of re-registration. Only the original competitor pays the re-registration fee.

4. Registering a new competitor with the received code

The registration is carried out by the new competitor himself. To register for the race using the code, it is necessary to register via the link above. After the page is displayed, the competitor proceeds as for regular race registration (detailed procedure here). Registration for the race is established by confirming GDPR consent and sending payment. If you have a code for a sold-out race, you must register via the link above. Follow the steps shown in the registration on this link.

ATTENTION! DO NOT FORGET TO ENTER THE CORRECT CURRENCY AT THE BEGINNING OF REGISTRATION. (The registration code is set to the currency in which the competitor paid during the re-registration process.)

5. Payment

If the new competitor’s order does not include any additional products beyond the transferred registration, the resulting order value is 0 CZK.

V případě, že nový závodník v průběhu registrace přidá doplňkové produkty nad rámec původní registrace, celková hodnota objednávky se mu o tuto cenu navýší.

If the original registration included additional products, the coupon value is increased by the credit that the new competitor can redeem. Additional products are not automatically transferred during re-registration, but must be selected by the new competitor during registration.

ATTENTION! Please remember to use all the funds (credits) that will be on the re-registration code. After completing the re-registration process and redeeming the code, any unused free funds/credits that the code contained cannot be reclaimed.

Payment for re-registration is only possible by credit card.

6. Confirmation of new registration

After paying for the order (or after our confirmation of a zero order), the new competitor will receive a confirmation of the registration and an email with an invoice. They will also see this registration in their profile.

Team categories

Team re-registrations work on the same principle as above (see individual categories). However, re-registrations can only be made to the same categories that were selected during the initial race registration. (e.g. the Karlovy Vary Relay Half Marathon can only be re-registered to the relay categories.)

Rules of rebooking

  • Re-registration of a competitor is only possible within the same category.
  • The possibility of re-registration always ends after the distribution of starting numbers has closed before the race.
  • online registration transfer is charged at 100 CZK or 125.15 CZK depending on the type of re-registration
  • Unused credits on the re-registration code cannot be used after payment.
  • Re-registration payment is only possible by credit card.
  • The method of transferring the code is up to you (however, we warn you about fraudulent resale of registrations).
  • additional products purchased by the original competitor are not automatically transferred in full to the new competitor
  • The re-registration coupon includes a “credit” in the value of the products purchased by the original competitor (if additional products were purchased)
  • The “credit” can be used to order additional products of the new competitor’s choice and must be used during registration.
  • If the new competitor does not use this credit, or is unable to use it in full due to the capacity of additional products being exhausted, the differential value is forfeited and the additional products ordered in the original registration or their financial compensation cannot be reclaimed by the original or new competitor.
  • The competitor to whom the registration is transferred must meet the conditions for participation in the race, agree to the conditions and rules of the race and properly register for the race
  • In the event of a registration transfer, the original competitor has the option to create a new registration for the same race
  • If interested, the new competitor has the option to purchase additional products (even beyond the “credit” of the original registration) – the payment for these products beyond the credit is paid by the new competitor as part of their order
  • In the event of a registration transfer to a new competitor, the original competitor loses the opportunity to claim compensation under the purchased cancellation insurance.
  • If the original runner purchased race cancellation insurance, this amount is not transferred and the race cancellation is forfeited
  • registration for the Prague Marathon cannot be transferred by participants of the Czech Marathon Championship and PIM King/Queen Gold
  • the code itself is not a registration for the race – you need to create and complete the registration with the code
  • the race organizer reserves the right to refuse a request for registration transfer
  • the organizer is not responsible for resale, transfer or overall communication between runners
  • the organizer is not responsible for any fraud, failure to send the code after the fee has been paid to the new runner by the original runner, or failure to pay the amount by the new runner to the original runner