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Information for runners

25 June 2024 | Výstaviště Praha Holešovice - start 18:00

26 June 2024 | Výstaviště Praha Holešovice - start 18:00

25 June 2024, dm bambini run - Start: 17:00

26 June 2024, dm bambini run - Start: 17:00

Before the race

RunCzech app

Download mobile RunCzech App, where you can find all information about the race and programme of Running Expo. It makes it easier to pick-up your start number, too. 

Picking up the start number

Start number and package can be picked up at Running Mall (map):

  • Monday         24. 6.  2024: 10 am - 7 pm
  • Tuesday        25. 6.  2024: 10 am - 7 pm
  • Wednesday   26. 6.  2024:  10 am - 5 pm 

General rules

It is strictly forbidden to use roller-skates, bicycles or other means of transport, or to go on the course with a child’s pram, run with dogs or carry children. Participation in the race is at participants’ own risk. Find more information here.

Time limit

Time limit is 2,5 hours since the start of the race.

Chip and Timekeeping

Your start number must be fixed visibly on your chest. Safety-pins will be included in the envelope. The chip is on the relay baton that must hand over and carried by the members of the team on their respected leg. The chip must be returned after the race.

Starting number

The starting number consists of the letter R at the begining and four digits.

The last digit indicates the position in the relay - it is not possible to change the position during the race! 

  • Rxxx1 - first section
  • Rxxx2 - second section
  • Rxxx3 - third section
  • Rxxx4 - fourth section


Race starts at the Vystaviště Praha Holešovice, use public transport - station Vystaviste Holesovice.

To the start line-up at 6 pm will be allowed only runners, who start the team relay (number ending "1"). Entrance to the line-up is from the main entry of the areal.

Change-over points 

Is located close to the start area. Make sure to know before the race, in which corridor you will pass the relay baton to your team mate. There will be corridors marked by the letters. There will be 1000 runners at the same time looking for their running team member. Make sure you know what is your colleague wearing. 

  • After the start of the race, there will be allowed runners (who run second part, ending number "2") to change-over points
  • Runners with number  “3” will be allowed to the change-over points not sooner than 6:25 pm
  • Runners with number “4” will be allowed to the change-over points not sooner than 6:40 pm

Medical Service

It will be available at the start/finish area and along the course. If you need to call an ambulance, call the emergency services on number 155 or ask a volunteer.

The length of the circuit of the Prague Relay

One racing circuit is 4.8 km.

After the race

Results, diploma and ceremony 

Results will be available on www.runczech.com after the race. There will be a ceremony for the first three best relay teams at the award podium in front of Expo.


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Regionální partneři - Ústí nad Labem
