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Races are back in Prague!

Dear runners,

we finally know dates for Prague races which was postponed for two years! The Prague races will be held on the following dates:

  • 1/2Maraton Praha - 2. 4. 2022
  • Volkswagen Maraton Praha - 8. 5. 2022
  • Birell Grand Prix Praha - 3. 9. 2022

We hope that you will be once again able to enjoy the unique atmosphere of the Prague races and we will warmly welcome you at the finish line!

For more information about re-opening of the Prague races, please watch Facebook live video with Tomas Mirovsky (in Czech from Monday 22. 11.) or with Sašo Belovski (in English from Tuesday 23. 11.), our RunCzech race coordinator, who explains everything you need to know and answers frequently asked questions. You can find the updated FAQ section on our web pages too.

As the registrations are not open for everyone yet, we created a special waiting list. If you want to be the first to know when we open registration for the public even before the official announcement, add your contact to this list.

Thank you,

Your RunCzech Team

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