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RunCzech launches registrations for unique races at airports

A few days ago, the organizers of RunCzech races have launched the summer challenge Česko běží dál (The Czech Republic keeps on running). Besides that RunCzech has also prepared several running events in unique places. Registration for the races at the airports - Runway Run Karlovy Vary and Runway Run České Budějovice – opens today.

The first series of races will take place in Karlovy Vary. On Saturday, 27 June, it will start at 9:00 pm at Karlovy Vary Airport with the Sunset Run 5 km. After several months of lock down, the runners can look forward to a race atmosphere supported by the setting sun and especially the unique place. Sunday, 28 June, will start with the Breakfast Run at 8:30. After that the airport will belong to families and especially children. Bambini Run for the little ones will start at 9:45 and dm Family Run for 3 kilometers at 10:30. These two runs are non-competitive, nevertheless all participants will get a present at the finish.

České Budějovice will welcome runners on Friday, 10 July. The program will be similar to the one in Karlovy Vary. The Sunset Run 5 km will start on Friday at 9:00 pm, the next day Breakfast Run, Bambini Run and dm Family Run will take place to welcome further runners.

In both cities the participants can look forward to an accompanying program and activities for the whole family. The races will be organized according to the current regulations of the Czech Government. Registrations are already open at www.runczech.com and the capacity for each race is limited.

But that's still not all that RunCzech has prepared for the runners for this summer. Save the following dates in the calendar: 18-19 July in Prague and 1 August in Pilsen, when further exciting races will take place.

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