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There are no limits now!

Running is a sport that unites us all! It's a shame if someone can't take part in a race they really want! We thought, what if we came up with the idea that all runners can run specific races and different events whenever they want ... and now it's possible!

RunCzech Anywhere is a special project that will help us create a larger running community! You don't have to be a professional, you don't have to run a marathon in one day and you don't have to run alone! Now you can do what you want and be rewarded for all your activities!

Did you miss the race or cannot participate in person on the given date of the race but would like to run? Does not matter! Take a look at RunCzech Anywhere, which will allow you to run this race or perhaps all the others in the given season!

RunCzech Anywhere races

Official partners

Official media partners

Media partners

Special projects

Regionální partneři - Ústí nad Labem
